Dometic for business training
Dealer Application

If you have any questions, please email

Company Information

Contact Information

Business Detail

You need to select at least one.

You need to select at least one.

You need to select at least one.

File size can't be more than 10MB.

File type is not allowed.

File size can't be more than 10MB.

File type is not allowed.

File size can't be more than 10MB.

File type is not allowed.

Service provider

File size can't be more than 10MB.

File type is not allowed.

You need to select at least one.

Terms and conditions

I hereby agreeing to ALL of the terms listed in this application, and hereby request consideration by Dometic Corporation to become an Authorized Commercial Customer and Authorized Service Center.

Authorized Buyer Application & Agreement

This is required.

This is required.

Authorized Service Center Agreement

This is required.

Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale (B2B)

This is required.

Thank you!

Your application has been successfully sent to Dometic Corporation for consideration to become a professional customer.

If you have any questions, please email